Monday, September 15, 2008

mine didn't go home for lunch

this is the new addition to my family.

his name is kohl (we didn't name him this because of eyeliner, it just sort of came about.)
my dad immediately (and inappropriately) thought of this joke about a welsh coal miner:

there is a man in an art gallery and he is staring at a large portrait of a black man with a white penis.
the curator of the gallery comes up to the man and begins to explain the social significance of the painting - that it is showing the constant dominance of the 'white man' over african americans.
the curator walks away to speak to another on-looker and a different man comes up to the man pondering the painting.
he says "that's not what this painting means."
"well, what do you mean?"
"i know, what this painting means, i'm the painter!"
"Well, why did you paint this black man with a white penis?"
"it isn't a black man! it's a welsh coal miner who went home for lunch!"

anywayyy... that's the inappropriate (but funny?) joke i now think of when i see my dog.
which is creeepy as shit.

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