Sunday, October 5, 2008

i blame disney

ok so i have a pretty serious confession to make.

i like the jonas brothers. i can blame it on having a 13 year old sister all i want, but i'd probably like them regardless of her obsession. i like their style, i like their faces (minus kevin, he's just not very attractive.) and... i like their music. *gasp*. there goes my street cred.

to give myself some credit, i only like their newest songs. so anything they did in the past when it was all nick jonas and christmas albums or songs called 'mandy' escapes my affection. and if we're getting really specific here its their newest song, love bug, that i have on repeat. and maybe a little burning up here or there.

so when it comes down to it, i dont want to rip off my ears when i hear them. nor do i want to cry. and yes i recorded camp rock. in fact hayley came over specifically to watch it with me so at least i'm not alone in this one.

actually the only thing i don't like about them is that they are evangelical christians. which means we wont be getting married any time soon. too bad.

h brooks this picture is for you (zac efron is the future mr. brooks).

in an effort to prove i don't have horrendous taste in music here's a sampling of other favourites that i think you should download:
we used to vacation -cold war kids
anything by deer tick
be my baby -glasvegas
medicine man -the hush sound
proof -i am kloot
things i did when i was dead -no age
better things -passion pit
and finally, anything by royal wood.

please don't hold my love for the jb against me.
