Tuesday, March 16, 2010


when my sister and i were in copenhagen we read about this swedish sister band.
two TWIN girls in a band. with short hair. sooo obviously (being the ethnocentric being that i am) i dubbed them the swedish tegan and sara.

anyway, they're amazing. for reals.

and since i don't have the technical savvies of ye olde jd'ang (http://daycaller.blogspot.com/)
i will simply direct you to their myspace... and provide you with a youtube clip.

(technophile 101 right here)



Jessica said...

if you highlight a word in your post, you can copy and past a link into the "link" box - it is located to the left of the font choices in this weird green sunglasses thing. then when you click on that word ,it will bring you to the link. like if you say "check out tegan and sara" you can make it so when you click on their name, it will go to their myspace, instead of posting the actual myspace URL.

hayley b. said...
