Tuesday, May 20, 2008

un vraiment bon iver

the quirkiness of writing hiver ‘sans-h’... and having it work for you? well, that’s the lovely quirkiness of justin vernon (aka bon iver). my dad recently brought home his debut album ‘for emma, forever ago’.
and i fell in love.

his tranquil melodies and perfectly poetic lyrics make me wonder why this woman (his ex-girlfriend emma, hence the title of the album) would ever leave such an idyllic specimen?

... well, we certainly know that we saved latin’s emma would be willing to battle for the prize.

and she’s not the only one. - hayley


Jessica said...

un vraiement, VRAIEMENT bon iver <33 oh i love himmmmmmmm

Alexis said...

did you know he wrote it all like in a cabin away from the world. im so glad he exists and that i stole the album from your computer!